UPDATE: I have written a much more detailed explanation of the problem. It's a little further down the page.
This has been an ongoing problem for almost three months and I have tried almost everything to try to make my computer work. It's my first build and basically my computer BSODs whenever my GPU is in use. It's really messy and not in chronological order but this is the list I've updated as my problem has progressed. I'm not going to have time for a few days to make this list particularly coherent so this is the best I've got right now. I need it sorted ASAP, is all.
For a while I've switched between blaming the graphics drivers and the PSU but my issues point to both being the case and I can't get my head around it.
I know this list sucks but HOPEFULLY someone can help me.
This has been an ongoing problem for almost three months and I have tried almost everything to try to make my computer work. It's my first build and basically my computer BSODs whenever my GPU is in use. It's really messy and not in chronological order but this is the list I've updated as my problem has progressed. I'm not going to have time for a few days to make this list particularly coherent so this is the best I've got right now. I need it sorted ASAP, is all.
For a while I've switched between blaming the graphics drivers and the PSU but my issues point to both being the case and I can't get my head around it.
I know this list sucks but HOPEFULLY someone can help me.
Old setup:
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
CPU: Intel Ivy Bridge i7-3440
Mobo: Asus P8H61/USB3
RAM: 1 x generic 8GB DDR3
GPU: ASUS Nvidia Geforce 660-TI
PSU: Corsair AX760 (Certified 80-plus Platinum)
Storage: 1 x 64GB Sandisk SSD and 1 x 3TB Seagate HDD
Monitor: Sony Bravia 46-inch TV, connected via HDMI via GPU
New setup:
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
CPU: Intel Ivy Bridge i7-3440
Mobo: Gigabyte H77-D3H
RAM: 2 x Kingston 4GB DDR3
GPU: ASUS Nvidia Geforce 660-TI
PSU: Corsair AX760 (Certified 80-plus Platinum)
Storage: 1 x 64GB Sandisk SSD and 1 x 3TB Seagate HDD
Monitor: Sony Bravia 46-inch TV, connected via HDMI via GPU
Three fresh reinstalls of Windows 7
Reformatted SSD twice and HDD once
Replaced CPU
Changed all SATA2 cables to SATA3
New mobo from ASUS P8H61/USB3 to Gigabyte H77-D3H
New RAM from generic 1 x 8GB DDR3 stick to 2 x 4GB DDR3 Kingston sticks
Replaced GPU
Clean installs of all ‘stable’ and one most recent ‘beta’ Nvidia drivers
All motherboard support installed on both setups
Occasionally BSODs immediately after Windows 7 ‘Welcome’ screen
On old setup, fans would occasionally spin up to full speed on BSOD and never restart itself. On new setup the fans haven’t spun up on BSOD and it occasionally restarts itself.
Three Windows updates failed on old mobo/CPU/RAM setup but all install correctly on new setup
Memtest64 completed with no failures after one pass on old RAM
OCCU failed after a couple of minutes on old GPU
Clean reinstall of DirectX made no difference on old setup
ASUS Diagnostics returned no failures on old setup, testing all elements of the hardware except PSU
BlueScreenView shows BSOD is caused by DirectX driver, although drivers involved have slightly different to/from addresses each time
Have tried to output to TV via mobo’s onboard HDMI but there’s never a display
BSOD does not occur before Steam installs its own DirectX drivers
These drivers are installed when I download and install Skyrim from Steam. I have used this game to test the occurrence of BSOD.
On old setup, when starting a new game, game would play for only a minute or two before BSOD occurs. On new setup, game can go for almost ten minutes without BSOD but it still does so every time.
BSOD occurrence also tested via system rating process on Win7 Control Panel. This also tests DirectX compatibility. BSOD does not occur before Steam DirectX drivers installed. BSOD occurs every time during this test after installation. On old setup it always BSOD’s during ‘DirectX 9 Texture Load’ but on new setup it can BSOD at any point during the first half of the test.
BSOD occurs outside of Steam after DirectX installation
Used TikiOne Steam Cleaner but made no difference
Apparently no way around Steam DirectX installs.
However, I can’t be the only person using a 660-TI on Steam.