Question Is it fine to use a PC on a shaky plastic table ?

Dec 4, 2023
So I recently moved my setup to a different room and all I can use is this shaky plastic table.
It's sturdy enough that it won't break even with my heavy PC, but when I do use it my mouse and sometimes even just typing on my keyboard causes it to shake. So will this cause an issue or is it fine?


One of those plastic tables with square or round legs that fit into corresponding holes in the corners?

Any screws?

Try wedging cardboard pieces into the joints to tighten things up.

May take a bit of trial and error to cut and fit in the cardboard pieces. Especially if you do not want the cardboard to be seen.
Mar 25, 2024
I've used a plastic folding table for years and my PC never had an issue, the only sensitive equipment I would think that would be affected by constant wobble if at all is an HDD because of the spinning parts inside.

You're probably more likely to accidentally damage your PC while working on it or accidentally collapse the table than to have parts fail from the table wobbling.