cpu (10400f) mbo psu gpu (6600) are good for gaming ?
CPU doesn't have iGPU in it, meaning than when RX 6600 happens to die, you can't hook your monitor to MoBo and continue using the PC. Also, CPU can't be OCd but in today's world, CPU OC isn't worthwhile. Otherwise, CPU is relatively good.
MoBo is bottom of the barrel (H410 chipset) and may have reliability issues. Also, MoBo only has 2 RAM slots, meaning that any RAM upgrade means completely replacing the current RAM (if MoBo would have 4 RAM slots, you could just add more RAM in).
RAM is good enough, 16GB and running at 3200 Mhz. Standard nowadays. No info about CAS Latency, so, can't say how responsive the RAM would be. But difference would only be in nanoseconds.
SSD, while M.2 NVMe drive and 500 GB in size, can be hit or miss, since no actual model is listed. If the SSD is Samsung or WD (Western Digital) then it's good. If it's anything else, there can be performance or reliability issues with the drive.
GPU is Radeon and performance wise, a good GPU for 1080p gaming. Though, you may have issues with drivers since Radeon drivers, for the most part, are worse than Nvidia drivers.
PSU is the biggest suspect since it's only rated as 80+ efficiency. Sure, PSU has been over-provisioned with wattage, by including 600W unit, while 550W unit would do fine. Still, putting in bigger capacity but far worse build quality PSU doesn't make the PSU good. If PSU is low quality then bigger capacity doesn't make it better. It still is 600W low quality PSU. And PSU is the most important component inside the PC, because it powers everything.
Overall, is this PC good enough for gaming? I'd say: No.
Why? Since there is 0 telling what PSU it has in it.
And 80+ efficiency PSU, especially at current date, does not have the build quality in it, to be safe to used in a gaming PC.
Now, if you were to replace the PSU with good quality unit, e.g Seasonic Focus or Corsair RMx/RMe, in 550W range, then the PC overall would be decent enough for gaming.