Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (More info?)
Is it me or is sayno/difool/steamkiller just boring now? he was kind of
funny at first but now he's not even irritating he's just boring, I don't
see the point in killfiling hime cause people just quote his post when
replying to his drivel(although i agree with quoting him, even if it is
just to annoy him), just wondering if anyone else agrees
Is it me or is sayno/difool/steamkiller just boring now? he was kind of
funny at first but now he's not even irritating he's just boring, I don't
see the point in killfiling hime cause people just quote his post when
replying to his drivel(although i agree with quoting him, even if it is
just to annoy him), just wondering if anyone else agrees