I noticed that at least one of my computer fans would get quite a bit louder when loading web pages. I searched for a monitoring program and settled on HWiNFO64. It turns out that it was my CPU fan speed increasing making the noise. My CPU RPM is around 850-900 right now, but when I start loading five or six more web pages, it goes up to about 1520RPM. The CPU is an i7 6700k with a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO. Is this sort of RPM increase normal? If not, what should I do to fix it? I've never messed with fan speeds before. As far as I can tell, my other system fans are not increasing in RPM when I load web pages. Lastly, I should mention that I bought a replacement side 200mm fan since the cord for my Corsair fan broke. It came with a 3 pin connector and the only slot I had was for a 4 pin. Just wanted to mention that in case that could be causing any issues.