[SOLVED] Is it ok to run motherboard without this small electrolytic capacitor?


Apr 23, 2016
So an electrolytic capacitor fall of my motherboard but everything is working fine for year now without noticing a difference. it was after year i figured out a capacitor was missing from the mobo.
here it is how it looks https://imgbbb.com/image/zxkJF so should I continue to run the motherboard without it or buy new one and what is the use of this capacitor?
my motherboard is older model it is the h61m-p20
thanks in advance
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So an electrolytic capacitor fall of my motherboard but everything is working fine for year now without noticing a difference. it was after year i figured out a capacitor was missing from the mobo.
here it is how it looks https://imgbbb.com/image/zxkJF so should I continue to run the motherboard without it or buy new one and what is the use of this capacitor?
my motherboard is older model it is the h61m-p20
thanks in advance
Looking at a picture of your board on the MSI web site it appears that cap is from the audio section. It's probabe use is a filter cap and you'd notice it's absence as noise in one of the audio channels. If I'm right, there wouldn't be any problems otherwise.

Another possible role is a filter cap...
Yes that looks like an SMD aluminum electrolytic capacitor.

Visual inspection an comparison of how your board looks now with photos online might show where it was mounted before falling off.

It can happen as the system would function without it and apparently you have had no malfunction of features or instability.

It is as you said an old board and if you can replace the motherboard cheaply I'd say do that. As for the use of the capacitor it can be guessed if you know where it used to be or if you look at board circuit design charts and schematics etc. Those kind of caps are sometimes used to stabilize the sound card/chip or networking chip part of the boards.
So an electrolytic capacitor fall of my motherboard but everything is working fine for year now without noticing a difference. it was after year i figured out a capacitor was missing from the mobo.
here it is how it looks https://imgbbb.com/image/zxkJF so should I continue to run the motherboard without it or buy new one and what is the use of this capacitor?
my motherboard is older model it is the h61m-p20
thanks in advance
Looking at a picture of your board on the MSI web site it appears that cap is from the audio section. It's probabe use is a filter cap and you'd notice it's absence as noise in one of the audio channels. If I'm right, there wouldn't be any problems otherwise.

Another possible role is a filter cap for one of the buck regulators but that seems unlikely as those cap's are blue in the board image i was able to find. Also, if one of those caps were missing it would lead to unstable voltage output, and therefore unstable in operation.

If your system is doing what you want I'd see no reason to go looking for a replacement. If you choose to anyway you should consider going modern and that means processor and memory at the least...possibly GPU and PSU too...in addition to the motherboard.
Hi please Can any one tell me what this cap is for

Trough-hole aluminum electrolytic capacitor, 470...560 uF / 6.3V. Most likely used as 3.3/5V power filter somewhere on board. Can't tell exactly without knowing the board model. If board works, don't bother. If not, find new same capacitor and solder in place. Or ask someone in your surrounding who is good in soldering.
Trough-hole aluminum electrolytic capacitor, 470...560 uF / 6.3V. Most likely used as 3.3/5V power filter somewhere on board. Can't tell exactly without knowing the board model. If board works, don't bother. If not, find new same capacitor and solder in place. Or ask someone in your surrounding who is good in soldering.
Hi thank u for reply Msi z390 gaming edge board I have have purchased a new cap to attempt to repair as I'm worried that this may corse harm in long run
Hi thank u for reply Msi z390 gaming edge board I have have purchased a new cap to attempt to repair as I'm worried that this may corse harm in long run

It will not do any harm if you or your man with soldering iron will use soldering iron with temperature control, enough flux paste and will avoid short or other harm in cap surrounding. Job is easy - you can even solder simply to those pin remains sticking out of board. Check capacitor pin polarity twice before soldering new one in board.