noidea_77 :
Rogue Leader :
Yes because all the other PC's are on the network.
You need to buy a router and plug the modem directly into that and then just plug this PC into it and use it as a normal PC on the network with an IP address in the range (or whatever range you set up the router to do). Everything needs to be on the same IP address range. There is no way around this.
All PCs inkl. the cromecast are obviously on the same network and even if they weren't, it could be fixed with a static routing. I guess the problem is, that the ics PC needs a route for the 192.168 net, because it otherwise doesn't know which network adapter to use.
Wrong, they not only need to be on the same network they need to be on the same IP scheme. The PC is getting its IP from the cable modem, and providing the IPs to the devices. This is networking 101, how to separate parts of your network. Its also exactly how those routers with a "Guest" network work. They provide the Guest network with an IP address range outside of for example such as .