[SOLVED] Is it possible to make custom black bars?


May 2, 2018
I am pretty desperate I thought it was easily possible but it looks there is no way. Is there really no software that makes this possible? Like isn't this one of the most obvious things to have? What about those guys who have massive displays who want to play a competitive match on a smaller version?

I using the Acer Nitro 390hz monitor which is 24.5 inches and 16:9. Before I used to play on a custom 16:10 display mode with a 4:3 stretched resolution. This is what I am talking about https://i.redd.it/ryd5zcwlztz41.jpg

I am using an AMD card.

So what I want is to stretch the 4:3 resolution (which I can do easily) but not onto my 24.5 inch 16:9 (which I am using right now) display but onto a smaller 16:10 version with black bars.
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Crazy so basically only the benq monitors can do it other monitors are a joke and no software allows me to do it either.

What you want is exactly what setting the monitor not to scale up does. You set a resolution, it runs it at the same resolution without trying to expand it into the full screen, and if it's smaller than the screen size, you get the black bars. Although not sure why you want to specifically have black bars, they are a side effect of resolution scaling not the actual thing people want to see. If you want your screen to be at 16:10 to run in the size and aspect ratio of your scree, you need to sort out what resolution setting will work on your screen. If you run the game in Windowed mode it can do that...
I don't know where it is on AMD's Radeon control panel, but it should have an option somewhere in the display settings to retain the aspect ratio of the image.
I don't want to retain the aspect ratio of an image. I want to turn my 24.5 16:9 inch monitor into a 23 inch 16:10 monitor for a specific game only while using the same resolution I am using right now at 24.5 16:9.
I don't want to retain the aspect ratio of an image. I want to turn my 24.5 16:9 inch monitor into a 23 inch 16:10 monitor for a specific game only while using the same resolution I am using right now at 24.5 16:9.
You can't do what you want. Your only choices for scaling are fill the screen, maintain aspect ratio, or 1:1.

If you really want the 16:10 aspect ratio while retaining say 1080p, then you're going to have to use a custom resolution of 1768x1080.
Crazy so basically only the benq monitors can do it other monitors are a joke and no software allows me to do it either.

What you want is exactly what setting the monitor not to scale up does. You set a resolution, it runs it at the same resolution without trying to expand it into the full screen, and if it's smaller than the screen size, you get the black bars. Although not sure why you want to specifically have black bars, they are a side effect of resolution scaling not the actual thing people want to see. If you want your screen to be at 16:10 to run in the size and aspect ratio of your scree, you need to sort out what resolution setting will work on your screen. If you run the game in Windowed mode it can do that, but then you have a loose window the game is in.