[SOLVED] Is it possible to reactivate windows with the same OEM licence after changing motherboard?


May 8, 2016
So im planning on getting a new motherboard next year and i was wondering wether its possible to reactivate my windows for free with the same OEM licence.
Microsoft says something about reactivating on their website but i didnt see them mention OEM anywhere so i just wanted to make sure if its possible or not.
It depends

If your current WIn 10 install is an OEM key from a big OEM like Dell or Lenova that had win 10 preinstalled, then their licences are tied to the board they are installed on. You can't move them.

If you current install is just an OEM key you bought, you should be able to move it to the new PC. Have a look here for steps you take before and after the swap to move licence - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/20530/windows-10-reactivating-after-hardware-change


Win 11 Master
It depends

If your current WIn 10 install is an OEM key from a big OEM like Dell or Lenova that had win 10 preinstalled, then their licences are tied to the board they are installed on. You can't move them.

If you current install is just an OEM key you bought, you should be able to move it to the new PC. Have a look here for steps you take before and after the swap to move licence - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/20530/windows-10-reactivating-after-hardware-change