Is it possible to reapir a gpu?

you said "think", Well you might want to be sure before tampering with a part that might be broken. What was the problem with your PC? And I wouldn't advise trying to fix a graphics card as it is just too hard to find what is actually wrong with it. Trying to find what's wrong would be a nightmare

Hello, yes, i bought the gpu 15 days ago, and when i put the old one pc works fine, so i am 90% sure it's gpu, and 10% sure it's vga/dvi adapter. Is there a way to see an error log or something?

well i only have dvi-i and dvi-d inputs on the gpu, on the old one i have dvi and vga and my monitor is vga, so i bought an adapter and i've put it in dvi-i . When the shut downs started i bought a new adapter and it shut down again. So that's why i said 10% because it's really a low chance 2 adapters are broken. Also i updated to the newest driver for the current card, i think it's ccc 13.9, or 13.1 not sure, because i can't put the new card and install the newest existing, the pc shuts down before i do it, and if i do it on this card i get a blue screen and i have to restore the pc to previous state. Also i wanted to try it on some other pc's but i didn't find any and i bought it on the internet so i can't return it in the store, it was a new card. Also i have 1 year guarantee but i would like to try and fix the problem, not return it...

i have 1 year waranty if card breaks, and 1 month rma, but it expired, i bought 20 days ago but it would take 15 days for it to get to uk from my country

I wouldn't like to fix the problem as most the time the problem is unfixable until you start to replace, best if you replace the card.
in PC problems people ask to try and find the problem from what is happening to cause some problem, in these types of cases trying to fix or find a way to overcome the problem just isn't going to work, You'll have to replace the card and if that doesn't work then you'll know where the problem may lie.

well i thought i could somehow see maybe why did the pc shut down, maybe i could find out the processor isn't good with that gpu so it shuts down the pc, or something else does to prevent damage, because when i put my old card it works fine, maybe all other components work fine with the old one, and not with the new one, maybe the card isn't broken

did you previous card work fine without any problems? If the case is yes that basically points the finger at the new card

yes yes, but the older card is much older, and it requires less, maybe the new card is shutting down the system because it requires more, i want to find out if that is the case also
and what's the power supply wattage to make sure. Do you ever encounter a blue screen? or a black screen? -those can suggest PSU failures but if it works fine with the old card then it's fine but blue screen means that the PSU can't supply enough power to which the PC is actually needing.

my new card is radeon 6570 1Gb and old is radeon x2400 i think 256Mb, not sure, anyway, my psu is 450w with 18 amps on v12 rail, but i heard somewhere radeon 6570 requires 20 amps, also about the blue screen, this is what happens, when i turn on the pc everything is fine, then all of a sudden i get a message on the monitor saying chack signal cable (that message also appears when i shut down the pc while the card was working fine so i don't know if the pc really shut down or there is really some other problem) and also when it shuts down one of the fans goes to 100% rpm, and when the pc shuts down the fan countinues working, i think it's the fan on cpu. Temperatures are all fine, gpu 31 degrees celsius, cpu 41 and 45 on 2 cores. And someone told me that i don't get blue screen because the monitor loses the signal, but he thinks i should get a blue screen, i don't know if it's true
I had a similar problem with the DVI connection in my monitor, worked through VGA but not DVI, update the driver for your monitor and then that will cancel out the thing that I think it might also be, Could be a faulty DVI port even though the DVI works on your old card just do it to be sure, If that doesn't work then it's the new card.

i forgot to mention that, my old card has a vga port, new one only has 2 dvi ports, and monitor is vga, so i had to buy a vga/dvi adapter for the new card