Is it possible to recover my old Raid 0?


Sep 23, 2013
So today when I came home from work, I tried to boot up my PC and noticed it was taking a really long time. I opened the side panel and saw the Debug LED code 64 (which has something to do with the CPU). I thought it was odd because after ~15 mins it still was not booting, so I pressed the BIOS reset switch and restarted. It took a little less time (~10minutes) but the computer was up and running. What I did not take into consideration was that my HDDs containing my Windows Install were in RAID 0 via BIOS configuration, so now that it's reset the RAID array no longer exists. Is there a way to recover the RAID I had before, or am I SOL?

CPU: i5 4690K @ 4.5 (now back to stock after reset)
RAM: Kingston HyperX Blu 8GB @ 1600Mhz (1334Mhz after reset)
HDD: WD Blue 1TB
HDD2: WD Green 2TB
MOBO: Gigabyte GA-z97x-Gaming 7

Right so I just entered bios, Renabled the array and its booting perfectly! I have no clue how it worked but im certainly not complaining.

Your initial post was vague and you did not state what you or the computer did during those 10 Min. I thought you reinstalled windows during that time others may have as well. Your experience is normal regarding your array. If you do not have a failed drive and you reset your BIOS your data is still on the drives and capable of being used in the array, all you have to do is re enable the array which you did, and the system will work the way it did before this normal and has been true for every array I have ever used PCI, PCI-E, and integrated.