Is it possible to use a computer to generate a game for another


Sep 6, 2017
Hey guys so Im getting a really nice PC and I was wondering if my brother and I wanted to play could he somehow use my PC to load everything for him to play on his PC he has a cheap Celeron laptop and Im getting a 8700k and a gtx 1070 16gb ram and a liquid cooler. So is it possible that he could play without having to have good hardware while my PC rid it all? Games we would probably play black ops 2 cod WWII and something games similar to that.

Thanx in advance
^ not entirely true at all.

Steam streaming would work but you couldn't play 2 games simultaneously on both PC's.

He could play games installed on your PC using your steam account & hardware capabilities on his laptop but only while you're not actually using your PC yourself.
^ to be fair its not something you'll ever expect to be able to do.

Otherwise you'd only have to buy 1 copy of a game for 2 people which is not going to happen.
That is something which is possible on the Xbox & ps4 consoles , but not sure its strictly legit to do so.