Is it possible to use PCI-e dual risers to run double the amount of cards?


Dec 4, 2013
I have a motherboard with 4 pci- slots and I was wondering if it was possible to connect 4 pci-e to dual pci-e risers, in order to increase the amount of possible GPUS to 8. This is the riser I am talking about and I would purchase 4 of them.

In addition I would add pci-e riser extensions on each of the cards in order to connect to my cards mounted above the MB. What would some potential problems with this setup be ? If I have enough power to run the cards would this setup work? Also I dont need to crossfire these cards, I just need them to be recognized and to work on their own.
Thanks in advance.
Any motherboard has a certain amount of Pci-e bandwidth and that is split between the installed cards , by connecting these risers you will be further slitting that bandwidth amount so it will be up to you and what your use of these splitters and number of cards will be for.
Technically it will work but you may run into trouble fitting 8 cards in there since the cards will now be mounted sideways?
Any motherboard has a certain amount of Pci-e bandwidth and that is split between the installed cards , by connecting these risers you will be further slitting that bandwidth amount so it will be up to you and what your use of these splitters and number of cards will be for.
Technically it will work but you may run into trouble fitting 8 cards in there since the cards will now be mounted sideways?
Theoretically, yes. Bandwidth would be split, I'm assuming, so it might not be what you want.

I'm assuming you're BitCoin mining? What is the make and model of your motherboard?

And yes, you need to make sure your power supply can handle eight cards. That will take a lot of power.