Is it Possible W2k to CRASH!?

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W2k is strong OS that MS claims it is ™.999 safe.
But mine crashed yesterday (freezed?) so i am trying to find out if it was a hw problem.I always used comp that way and there was not any prob.
Computer stopped responding even mouse cursor did not move . ctrl+alt+del did not work . there was a looping sound. At that moment these apps were working
a few IE
moretv, sound decoder
connected to internet via dialup
pop up killer
My config
P3-800 , asus cusl2-c, 256mb kingston ram, asus7100t(with detanotor 6.31), sb live,apache56k,hauppage wintv, surecom ethernet (installed 2 day ago).
all os's will crash at one point or another. even linux will crash.

If you can't beat 'em kill 'em
athlon "SLOTA" thunderbird 700@1050mhz
I have had that same exact crash happen to me also. It seemed to happen quite frequenly with a c366/550, bx chipset, 128 ram setup. Now that i have a 1gig tbird on via with 192 ram it hasn't happened. I could reproduce the hang when manipulating large files with photoshop. I read that photoshop has a problem with win2k when the ram usage is set to more that 35% with 128mb system ram. It also used to happen when photoshop was not running though. It might be a memory thing, as i previouly stated that it hasn't happened to me yet while running 192mb. ram.
But i have 256mb ram already. and p3-800. Maybe if I had waited 2-3 minutes . Computer might have started reacting.
Otherwise i might be a hw issue.
I've only had win2000 2 months, and had maybe 40 freezes in a variety of situations, and 3 or so sudden reboots!
I've even got blue screens on several different computers.

This summer I was having some courses to learn basic networking, we had just installed Win2k in some computers, the teacher was talking about the improved stability of Win2k over the other M$ oses and... BSOD

I have win2k aon an athlon 700 256 ram and it runs fine...most of the time. It seems when i start opening a lot of programs like I would in win 98se it starts freaking. I can run high end graphic apps that are processor and memory intensive fine but I run a few small things and trouble. I'm thinking this might be a glitch? Because it sounds like you were running quite a few small things when your comp crashed. Mine usually responds if I wait long enough.
In most cases it is a driver issue, in most cases video driver, in most cases cold reboot fixes it only, in most cases it is not a big deal, even yer brain gets confused sometimes, this is electrical stuff we are talking about here... hehe

K7 + KT7 + MX300 + VD3000 = :smile: