Is it possible/worth to RAID with my disks?


Jan 28, 2014
Hello everyone,

I currently have 1 SSD 120gb, 1 HDD 750gb and 1 HDD250gb. I was thinking what's worth doing: adding one more SSD/HDD and set them up in RAID, or just replace them with bigger capacity drives? Please explain as simple as possible :)

Thanks in advance!!

I'd set up things like this:
120GB SSD - OS and applications
New 2 or 3TB HDD - all your other stuff
Existing 750GB HDD - backups of critical data. Automated backup nightly.
For normal desktop use, the only two words you need to know for RAID are: "Don't bother"

1. With RAID 0 (striped) or RAID 1 (mirrored), the drives should be identical sizes. Otherwise, you are throwing away much of the capacity of the larger drive.
2. RAID 0 with SSDs, you gain little if any speed benefit. And increase complexity and fail potential.
3. A larger SSD is faster than two smaller in a RAID 0 array.,3485.html

What are you hoping to gain from this? Which RAID level were you thinking of, and why?
Well actually i want some space and speed. Windows are installed on my SSD but with some more things i have there it leaves no more space and i have to deal with my other drives which are slow and a pain to search through them to find things i had put long time ago. What I actually want is something between size and speed for gaming storing things , fast operations and maybe less drives like D, E so it can be easier to store stuff in one drive ! I dont have much knoweledge about RAID but maybe something like 10 for speed and safety.. Thanks!

I'd set up things like this:
120GB SSD - OS and applications
New 2 or 3TB HDD - all your other stuff
Existing 750GB HDD - backups of critical data. Automated backup nightly.

SyncBack Free
Point it at source and target folders, give it a schedule. Done.

For instance, I have my Documents libraries backed up to two locations every night. 2AM saves to another internal drive, and 3AM to another PC on the network.