Is it really "bad" to update nvidia drivers?


Aug 15, 2015
My friend told me that I should not update Nvidia Drivers because it's not an advantage for it to be updated since these updates are intended only for the newer GPU'S that keeps on releasing; and it just also add up to my hard drive's space.. Any opinions? No hate speech please lol... Oh, and I have a GTX 950 btw, so...
No, what is your friend thinking. I see you have a older GPU but they still rollout updates for even 700 series and older. Its not like you are going to get any performance difference as for 900 series GPUs drivers have already been optimized but there could still be some tweaks for the card, just update them.

Edit: I may be a bit inaccurate but the above answer is perfect.
I update when I feel the need to for a game I'm playing. For example there was a battlefield 1 patch last month and nvidia released a driver update optimizing the drivers for it, for most of their somewhat recent gpu's like the 950, and this seemed to help performance quite a bit for me. Also when new games come out nvidia will often release a patch optimizing for that game, so if you want the best performance for said game you will need to update the drivers. Look at the patch notes for the driver, if any updates or optimizations are applicable to you get the driver, if not I guess you dont really need it.
Well newer GPU drivers do promise added compatibility and stability but upgrading them isnt a complete necessity. like i remember after some Physx update in assassins creed 4 most 700 and 900 series cards would cause the game to stutter and new nvidia did counter this problem. and ofc its "safe" ;P

its quite easy to completely delete old drivers what happens is that ur current drivers are uninstalled but a backup stored so if the new drivers cause serious problems, u can easily roll back.... imagine what happens after u update em 10+ times...

id recommend using this

also u can google manual cleanup options, pretty ez tbh