Noahthomas29 :
tea urchin :
There are options for the worrier. You could cut 4 inch square patches out of an old rubber inner tube and put them under the feet of a metal desk,if it does not have nylon inserts as feet. You could even use card board. The options are endless_ Its not worth the worry.
Build the pc and forget about it.
ok last question. i will be getting a anti static wrist strap, so when i build on the metal desk, where do i clip the wrist strap too? the pc case or the desk?
You should connect the wrist strap to ground,(earth) which means you could use the case if the power supply is installed (and connected (plugged in to mains), and the power left off;the earth connection is constant) or the strap should be connected to earth as clutch advised,or anywhere else you can get a connection to the ground to be honest.
Now you see why I advise leaving a slipper off_If the motherboard or cpu fails to post every vendor will give you the benefit of the doubt and a replacement but I suspect fails for this reason are only about 1 in 3000.
Fed Ex are more likely to physically shock the package to death in transit than you are to statically
electrocute it.