V Velocirapt0r Reputable Mar 13, 2014 47 0 4,530 Apr 18, 2015 #1 The cloth you clean glasses with, because i wasnt using a card and its really old so its connectors are dirty
The cloth you clean glasses with, because i wasnt using a card and its really old so its connectors are dirty
O oczdude8 Distinguished Oct 18, 2009 1,945 6 20,965 Apr 18, 2015 #2 i would use a Q-tip and some rubbing alcohol. The microfiber may catch on the contacts and damage it. Whatever you do, just be careful, and it'll work out. Upvote 0 Downvote
i would use a Q-tip and some rubbing alcohol. The microfiber may catch on the contacts and damage it. Whatever you do, just be careful, and it'll work out.
J_E_D_70 Splendid Mar 21, 2012 7,291 59 30,290 Apr 18, 2015 #3 Compressed air first. Upvote 0 Downvote