Is it SAFE to connect a pair of speakers in my current 2.1?

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May 8, 2014

I currently own a 2.1 system (Edifier's R401) and I want to add a pair of speakers of (Mercury SW 980R's 2-Way) into its 'Speaker Output' by using the Mercury's Left/Right sides respectively on the back of my edifier .

So, in this way it will add more sound.

Now I know my 2.1 Edifier isn't designed to handle extra 2-Ways BUT will it be safe with no issues in doing that without damaging my current/primary Edifier 2.1?

Specs of two sys. for more info.:
Safe.... likely, yes.

It may lower the life of the amp in there as it is driving a load it wasn't intended for. About the worst thing that could happen is you blow the amp and lose all sound on the system. It will probably be fine for a while. Try to impedance match where you can. Find out what the amp is expecting for a load. Find out what ohm your speakers are. Wire them appropriately (serial/parallel)
Thank you for quick replies... Waiting for more.

But how do I run the Mercury speakers so I can connect their 3.5mm plug & the Edifier's 3.5mm plug to a splitter which goes in my Laptop?

Do I need to buy a separate Amplifier or something to run the Mercury speakers cause I misplaced the Mercury's Woofer/Amp a long time ago?

EDIT: If there's a need then recommend me some low budget Amps that's suitable for these pair of Mercury speakers.
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