Is it safe to overclock fx6300 on asus m5a97 le r2.0?


Oct 22, 2014
I currently have an fx6300 and its had a h80i on it for a few months now (I couldn't stand the noise of the stock cooler!) I've always kept it at stock due to the board not having heatsinks on the vrms. Is it safe to do a small but worthy overclock?
I would give it a shot, watch temps, and if its not stable, its not stable, I suppose you could look for little heat sinks and install them but it almost seems smarter for how cheap those boards are to maybe get a newer model that can surely support it.
Particularly if it is a 95W CPU, you should have at least a little overclocking headroom. Make sure your case has good airflow through it to cool the VRMs, and monitor their temperature as well (a program like HWMonitor can be used; Google will help you find a place to download it).
I know this is old but with an evo 212 and same cpu and mobo i overclocked my fx 6300 to 4.5 safely, i brought it back down to 4.3 but not because of any issues. Even though it is LE still worked fine.