Is it safe to plug my gaming desktop into a surge protector?


Sep 28, 2014
For my gaming rig, I currently have a surge protector with 6 outlets, 3 of which are occupied by my two monitors as well as the cable from the PSU. Is this safe? I was reading earlier how UPSs and Surge Protectors were bad to plug into each other, and I just want to be sure that I am not doing anything harmful.

No, I meant that the plug that transmits power from the wall (to the power surge) to the Power Supply. There is a difference, I was just wondering if there was a similar issue with the computer itself and the surge protector.
A UPS output in battery backup mode can be so 'dirty' as to be harmful to small electric motors and power strip protectors. Same power that 'dirty' is also ideal for electronics. Due to robust protection routinely found in all electronics. A surge too tiny to overwhelm that protection can also destroy a power strip protector. In rare cases, has even caused a fire. What good is something so expensive that is that undresized?

Better power strip is one without protector parts and with its critically important circuit breaker. Best protector costs many times less money and is located at the service entrance. Then superior protection inside every household appliance is not overwhelmed. This superior solution is even necessary to protect strip protectors.