Is it safe to put my computer tower on carpet?


May 3, 2014
Sorry if im in the wrong forum. I have this computer case:

Can I safely put it on carpet in my room or would it create to much electricity and fry everything?
I dont have alot of experience in this area. I know carpets are bad though. Maybe I could use a cardboard box to put it on if its not safe? I just have a basic desk and Id rather put it on the floor if I can but if its not safe I will put it on the desk.

Static electricity can be a major problem, not from building up on a computer, but from the shock delivered by someone near it. I have seen sparks reach out over 6 inches to mess up the old dumb terminals. Obviously, with the proper grounding it shouldn't be a problem to the computer, but I am not so sure about peripherals like USB drives.
There are two problems with carpets and computers. The first is static electricity which should not be much of a problem if the computer is properly grounded and the shocks aren't too great. The second is dirt and dust being sucked into the computer. This can be alleviated by placing the computer a short distance off the floor using some kind of stand, and periodic cleaning of the inside of the computer.
Static electricity build-up is not a problem on the computer itself. It builds up on you when you walk, not on the computer. I wouldn't worry about that.

But depending on the design of the case, you may want to raise it off the carpet a bit for ventilation. Often mid and full tower cases have the power supply sucking air from the bottom of the case. If the case has any dust filters on the bottom of the case (i hope it does), just make sure you check it and clean it regularly. That should be done regardless of carpet vs. hard floor.

Static electricity can be a major problem, not from building up on a computer, but from the shock delivered by someone near it. I have seen sparks reach out over 6 inches to mess up the old dumb terminals. Obviously, with the proper grounding it shouldn't be a problem to the computer, but I am not so sure about peripherals like USB drives.