Is it safe to update games again?

The last few months have been disastrous when it comes to game updates. From what I've seen, Battlefield 4 was the only game to receive a patch which DID NOT MESS UP THE GAME. I installed an update for Gauntlet which caused microstuttering, which is now a permanent bug, forcing me to have to run the game with a 30 fps cap, and a Batman Arkham Origins update screwed up the surround sound. I've disabled auto updating on Origin and Steam and stopped updating games due to the patch fiasco with all games, including Dragon Age: Inquisition, Far Cry 4, and Shadow of Mordor. But now I've noticed that Payday 2 has a new New Year's patch out which actually turned out well according to the Steam discussion boards. So is this hope that the Fall 2014 patch curse is ending? Due to all of the patch failures from the last few months, I decided to start pre-purchasing games and backing up the game folders for the launch versions of the games. Should I wait at least a month before applying a game update?
Its kind of just a hazard of gaming / patching, the most minor change in code to fix a bug can cause catastrophic problems in other areas. Theres really no way for a patch to be bug free, if that happened, there would be bug free games, and we all know those dont exist.