Is it safe to upgrade my CPU?


Nov 5, 2013
So I bought an HP dc5850 a while back from

It has a crappy single core processor (AMD Sempron LE-1300 2.3GHz)

I would like to upgrade it to a quad core processor -

Would it be safe to purchase a AMD Phenom X4 9750

The manual said it is compatible with the AMD Phenom X4 9750B processor. Will it work?

Manual is at
(page 7) in case you want to see
Sure, if it says it is compatible it should be compatible. Although with the amount of RAM and HDD space and stuff it would be kind of a worthless upgrade unless you upgraded the other stuff as well.

No worries, I upgraded the graphics and ram a while back and the HDD space was much bigger than advertised.

Alright, thanks!

Would I need to upgrade the BIOS or will it work with the preloaded one?