Is it safe to use a CPU in a motherboard with a bent pin??


Dec 16, 2013
I have just recently built my first computer, and I bent one of the LGA 1150 socket pins when I was installing the CPU. Everything seems to work just fine, but I bought at Amazon, and they have an amazing return policy, so I am still going to swap out the motherboard for an undamaged one. The motherboard actually came in today, I am just waiting for the thermal paste to come in. My question is this.. Is it OK to continue to use this computer in the meantime, or is it unsafe for my CPU??? Its only one bent pin, and I'm not a gamer, so I don't push my CPU very hard at all.. Thanks for taking the time to help me. Its appreciated :)
It'll be fine as long as you straighten out the pin and it doesn't damage any pins on your CPU...
Know someone with a 4770K bend the pins on his Z87 MoBo and manually straighten them out...he's been running it without problems for about 4 months now.
You can still put the CPU in and see if it works. Worst case it just won't work, but it won't do any damage to anything. Several pins are for grounding and lining things up, not all of them are vital. I would try it just to see if it works.