I didn't have any thermal paste for a few days and read online you could use tooth paste as thermal paste. In fact, I used it in an Intel PC ages ago with no problems. However, I ran out of thermal paste for this Ryzen build so I used toothpaste I had on hand for a few days. It was working fine and temps were normal but this morning I got a sudden urge to check on the processor and change it because I got my thermal paste last night just didn't have time to do that. However, this morning I tried unscrewing my processor and it wouldn't unscrew after a while. At first I thought that the screws were jammed or something. Then I realised it was unscrewed but the processor was stuck to the heatsink. I tried pulling it off and managed to pull it off but I heard this really strange sound of rushing air almost like a vacuum or something. There wasn't a bang or explosion though it sounded really scary for a minute.
Then I noticed tons of melted plastic around the CPU edges which I now realise are the tooth paste. The heatsink base that goes on the CPU is really stuck with burnt tooth paste though I can clean it off. I might have cleaning alcohol if not would just water and toilet paper work? I do have fresh thermal paste to install. I also noticed my graphics card was warm to the touch though all the temperatures on the AMD software were well under 80 degrees. My CPU was not overheating though I guess I got lucky that I checked on it today before it got totally destroyed. I am really worried about using it again. Would it still work? I Had a weird issue where my PC turned off randomly one time when I moved the tower on my desk while it was still on but that could have been a loose cable cause it worked fine. My case does not have greatest airflow. I might get a new case soon or some more fans. It's a budget cooler master micro atx case.
My specs:
Ryzen 3 1200
Gigabyte Micro ATX motherboard
8gb DDR4 2400 mhz ram dual channel
240gb Kingston SSD
1TB HDD Western Digital Blue
550 watt Corsair VS power supply
only 1 120mm exhaust fan (should I get two more for intake?)
I got the tooth paste off on the outside. Trying to clean the CPU now. Pins seem okay.
Then I noticed tons of melted plastic around the CPU edges which I now realise are the tooth paste. The heatsink base that goes on the CPU is really stuck with burnt tooth paste though I can clean it off. I might have cleaning alcohol if not would just water and toilet paper work? I do have fresh thermal paste to install. I also noticed my graphics card was warm to the touch though all the temperatures on the AMD software were well under 80 degrees. My CPU was not overheating though I guess I got lucky that I checked on it today before it got totally destroyed. I am really worried about using it again. Would it still work? I Had a weird issue where my PC turned off randomly one time when I moved the tower on my desk while it was still on but that could have been a loose cable cause it worked fine. My case does not have greatest airflow. I might get a new case soon or some more fans. It's a budget cooler master micro atx case.
My specs:
Ryzen 3 1200
Gigabyte Micro ATX motherboard
8gb DDR4 2400 mhz ram dual channel
240gb Kingston SSD
1TB HDD Western Digital Blue
550 watt Corsair VS power supply
only 1 120mm exhaust fan (should I get two more for intake?)
I got the tooth paste off on the outside. Trying to clean the CPU now. Pins seem okay.