Is it safe to use the vacuum cleaner to clean an optical mouse sensor?


Mar 13, 2014
I find it hard getting the small hairs out with tweezers and i might damage the sensor, so is just cleaning it with a vacum cleaner safe?And also when im done cleaning it with the vacum, is it safe to gently rub it with a damp/wet q tip?


your sensors will not get damaged.
I've gad a logitech optical mouse for about 10 years now and the sensor never needed cleaning even tho its been in some hellish environments. The sensor itself is behind a piece of transparent plastic so you won't even get to it.

Its not a cpu - you can clean it as you would any other object just make sure you don't pour water inside.

Yeah, i was just wondering how robust the sensor part is if i vacuum it, like if i can damage or rip any part of it off or something, i know that i should only use a damp qtip and everything.

It should be safe. I would just spend 5 bucks at your nearest store and get a Dust-Off Professional Canned Air Compressed Gas Duster. It helps me with everything.

your sensors will not get damaged.