Is it worth buying a PS4


Nov 17, 2014
Hello.Im moving to a new house next week.Im planning to make a gaming room in that house

Im thinking to buy a PS4 but also considering is it just a waste of money

My cousin says that i can use PC like a console if i want (plug to tv,buy gamepad etc)

I wanted to hear your opinions so i can decide to buy it

My pc specs:

Gpu:2x r7 265 crossfire
Cpu:amd fx 8320
Mobo:asus m5a99fx pro r2.0
Your cousin is right about using the PC as a console, but the decision rests on whether you think the PS4 exclusives are worth it.

I would say, don't bother as the PC is easily upgradeable whereas the PS4 is not upgradable.
Your cousin is right about using the PC as a console, but the decision rests on whether you think the PS4 exclusives are worth it.

I would say, don't bother as the PC is easily upgradeable whereas the PS4 is not upgradable.
Yeah,You Can Buy PS4 If You Consider A Relaxing Gaming Experience
But Once You Buy PS4 You Cannot Play Multiplayer For Free,You Will Be Forced To BUY Game CD's And The Only Downloadable Contents Will Be Crappy Games
Whereas In A PC,Every Single Games Are Downloadable And You Can Play Using PC Analogs If You Prefer.Your PC Settings Looks Great.What's Your Budget Though ? I Built A Computer With The Following Specs

GPU:nVidia Zotac Synergy Edition 2GB
PSU:Corsair 750W
Motherboard:ASRock 990 FX Extreme9
RAM:8GB Corasair Vengeance (BLUE)
HDD:2TB Seagate Barracuda
DVD:LG Blu Ray

Cost Me Only Below 700$-750$

Thx for fast response

I missed some questions ıf u can answer ty

-Are there more players on consoles? (ı mean more easy to find people to play?)

-Do i experience performance drop if i plug on tv

I can't answer Q1, am a PC player.

2 - It depends on the size of the screen and the res you'll play at.
Ofcourse You're Not The Only One, 😉 There's Plenty Of People Playing Multiplayer On COD,Unity(Assassins Creed)FPS,Crossfire For Instance
A2:-Nope The Screen Resolution Doesn't Affect Your Gameplay Unless You Don't Have AN HDMI Port 😀

Um, screen res does affect it as the GPU has to deal with more pixels at a higher resolution.

Cuz Thats Exactly Why I prefer nViDia VGA Cards They Have A Great Performance And Is Used In The PS4
If The nViDia vga In PS4 Can Handle A TV....Why Not PC ? 😉

Dude Once You Open A Game,Open Screen Resolution(Present In Every Single Game)And Change It To Your Screen Size,Its Automatic On PS4 Not On PC,Not a Problem,PC Opts You Resolution And Graphics Quality Whereas Consoles Don't 😀


See, you're basically saying what I am trying to tell you in more words....
Look Mahn,PS4 Have It's Own Qualities And So Does PC,But According To Me,I Have A Farther Experience With Both PC And PS4
See For Yourself,You Want To Play On TV ,Go Ahead Pick PS4,But I Wouldn,t Prefer AS I Told You,IF YOU NEED A RELAXING EXPERIENCE,YOU CAN CHOOSE PS4, If Thats What You Desire,You've Got Your Pick