Question Is it worth enabling Dynamic Memory Boost ?


Aug 19, 2015
My new Asus Z790 board has a BIOS option for "Dynamic Memory Boost" to switch between the standard RAM speed and XMP profile speed for more demanding applications. Is this worth using to save a small amount of power and reduce temperature or is it just inviting problems?
there should be no problems as long your XMP has no memtest errors, GPUs downclocking RAM all the time without issues, i see no reason why CPU wouldnt be able to do same
I just tried it anyway. On exiting the BIOS the PC was just stuck with the power light on and didn't restart as normal after changing the BIOS setting. I held down the power button to restart at which point it invited me to enter the BIOS in 'safe mode'. I checked Dynamic Memory Boost was set then rebooted OK into Windows, but the Cinebench score was somewhat lower. I decided due to the instability and poorer performance to disable Dynamic Memory Boost as a poorly engineered feature. Never mind.

All I have set now in the BIOS different from the defaults is:
  • CPU thermal limit of 85C
  • Enabled the XMP profile
  • Disabled Fast Boot
  • Defined the fan curves