Is it worth getting gtx 760 still?


If you run out of VRAM, the card should start hijacking system RAM. Slower and can cause hitching, but that means you have to have lots of system RAM too.
Scared of what? The GTX 760 is a fine older card. But like atljsf says, it is a bit lacking on VRAM for gaming with high textures in today's games. But I doubt the 760 or the 1050 (non-Ti) either one has the horsepower to utilize more than 2-3GB of VRAM anyway.
put gta v and you can use 3 gbs of vram at any settings, i have a r7 250 2gbs and with some things set to high and medium at 720p i get full vram usage

the limitation is real, this card is not even half of what the 1050 is

if i could i would buy the 1050 ti new with 4 gbs of vram

if the 760 is really really cheap, and i have the psu to make it work properly, well, it is cheap and i can run it, right?

what psu do you have?

still, new is better, alot better for multiple reasons here
what i mean is that i'm where you are more or less but with 1 gb vram more and i'm not that happy at the moment, those 4 gbs of vram do make a difference

the performace of the 760 is identical or slower than the 1050, uses more watts, produces more heat and is old

the 1050ti is new and quieter, alot les power hungry

as i said, if you really find it very very cheap, and you have the psu for it, go for it, otherwise, it is cheaper and better overal the 1050ti

i have the xfx 600 watt bronze,i think thats decent af for that gpu

Then you did OK. Unless you were able to spend more. You have the equivalent of the GTX 1050 (non-Ti) in power but with half the VRAM. Only the most graphically demanding games will suffer from 2GB VRAM. And then only if you set stuff like textures too high. Games alike DE:MD.

Gotcha, no btw,maximum money i could spent on gpu was 90-95,cause i needed a psu
i had 150 euros, total money
then, you had the best bang for the buck you could do, you did well

a shame the 1050 is so expensive there

emember that 760 is more noisy than your r7 250 and produces more heat

use ddu tool to remove the amd drivers and then install nvidia driver to get system ready to play games

what do you plan to do with the r7 250?

you can resel it, you know how decent is and for what purpose it will work, so you can find the right user easily

Which card is it exactly. The reference design is the only one that you'll notice some noise with. I had both a reference and an after market one. It sounds like yours is after market. Should be fine for temps and noise.
If your expectations are realistic, you'll love it :). I just built my first gaming pc last month, and I put a GTX 660 ti that I found for $50 Canadian in it. After a little oc it can run Witcher 2 at 1080p ultra 50-60fps (without ubersampling,) same with Metro 2033 Redux, and it'll max Paladins at 150fps. These aren't really demanding games, but if you're not on the cutting edge, a 760 will be awesome. Just don't expect it to run everything on ultra 60fps.