is it worth it to upgrade from amd phenom ii x4 965 to fx 6300?

Rico Pratama

Jan 7, 2015
i am having the phenom ii x4 965 Black edition deneb and geforce 9500gt
i am planning to upgrade my gpu to r9 280x
and will it bottleneck with my cpu? or i need to upgrade to fx 6300?
i have the cash fir fx 6300 and i just want to know is it worth it to upgrade?

sorry for bad english
It's not worth the upgrade. Basically you'll have almost the same single core performance. The only advantage is that you'll have 2 additional cores. The GPU upgrade should suffice for now. You will be limited on CPU from time to time, but it will be the same situation for the FX-6300.
You will see a bit of a bottleneck in some games. The 6300 would be better and a good match with the 280x. You can always see how the 965 does with the new gpu.
What mobo do you have? Make sure it is compatible. You may need to update the bios.
Also, make sure your PSU is up to the task. What brand/model?


my mobo is GIGABYTE GA 870a-UD3.. can i use corsair cx750m for my rig with fx 6300 and r9 280x (i m also planning on to attach 2 of them in crossfire)?
It's not worth the upgrade. Basically you'll have almost the same single core performance. The only advantage is that you'll have 2 additional cores. The GPU upgrade should suffice for now. You will be limited on CPU from time to time, but it will be the same situation for the FX-6300.
Ive just pretty much done the same thing i can offer some advice as ive been posting like mad all over the internet to find the best option!, im running a AMD phenom II 960T(BE) and basically from what i can tell most AMD processors after ares all have same single core performance as what your have now, so unless u want to do a near complete overhaul of your PC, your gonna seem alittle bottlenecked in some games like WoW/LoL/DayZ (games that only use 1-2 core's), the best option is to get the GPU have ago at OC your phenom, and if your unhappy still, then to save alittle money aside and going intel ( i know i know i didn't wanna hear this aswelll!!!) from what i can tell not every game runs purely of your CPU, so in some case's like mine your be amazed at your graphics and fps, others your be a little upset and unhappy, but getting an FX will only give u alittle bit of an increase near the same as an OC and in a couple of years your be kicking yourself!!!

what gpu should i get? r9 280 or r9 280x? in my place i can get r9 280 or r9 280x with the same price :)
and which cpu cooler should i get for oc ing my phenom?cooler mster seidon 120xl or cooler master hyper 212x turbo?