Is it worth it?


Mar 7, 2013
Iwas interested to see how an 8350 OC'ed to 4.5 would do. Along with a 1150/1300 7950.

But after a good few months, I decided to put everything back on stock - cpu(4.2 boost) and gpu(925/1250). See how it performs.

I've found that my GPU, overclocked alone produces a 3-5% increase in min FPS with Arkham City, maxed, but not change at all in average/max fps.
My CPU overclocked alone also affects nothing in that game or any of my games for that matter. Benchmarks comes out the same using ingame or Fraps.
Of course every setup is different.

I might just go back to stock for good.
I have a feeling I'd have to OC to 5.0 to see a much more significant performance increase.

My real question here is: Is overclocking worth the possible risks , but with a 5-10% increase?
How do you guys feel about your own OC'd increase?
If your temps are still good I would keep a reasonable overclock. My rule is to bump up til I get under 100% CPU utilization in my most demanding game and stop there, checking again when I get something new. I can't prove that helps anything, but in my small mind if the CPU is at 100%, something is having to wait in a queue that doesn't need to be assuming I have the headroom to increase more. Never taken the time to benchmark and see if there is a difference.

I haven't OC'd the GPU since it has a terrible reference cooler and gets really close to 80C at stock.
I used to o/c my 3.7GHz i7 CPU to 4.4GHz but very occasionally got a game crashing to desktop so went down to 4.2GHz and everything is rock solid.

If you o/c and your setup is stable and has good temperatures then go for it but if you are already getting 80 fps is it necessary to get 85 fps?
Basically I will o/c a little bit and if my system gets too slow then I'll investigate going higher
I wish I could go that far into OC! But I'll have to wait until I get a much better mobo with more phases, and of course go get a "Kuhler" for anything past 4.5.
I experience crazy core throttles @ 4.6 and wow - the voltages this thing eats ...
True enough, I don't see much of a difference trying to clock from 4.2 to 4.5.
During my testing alone I felt that 4.4 was pushing both my PSU and mobo (both a horrid combo already). I have a gut feeling I'm teetering on the edge.

Temps are fine, it's the damn throttling that kills me.