Is it worth the wait?


Feb 27, 2016
So, I've asked a few questions on this forum in the past few days regarding this new pc build I'm going to be building in a few days/weeks. Here's what I've got so far:
Minus the 1070 reference card (I've been looking at this one) **
And I've been debating whether or not this is the best card for my budget, and most importantly for performance. I have seen alot of stuff about the new Amd 480x, and for such a good price I was wondering if it would be worth it to wait to run 2 of them in crossfire for extra performance..? I haven't been able to find many benchmarks for the 2x 480x's vs. a 1070. And I'm aware that the big hype around these new cards is the capability in VR, which as of now, I'm not a big fan of and I don't feel like I'll be getting into VR any time soon. I want this build to be able to run new Dx12 games at a solid 80+ frames at Very high-Ultra settings, preferably on a 1440p monitor. So, is it worth the wait for the 480x in crossfire, and waiting for non-reference/after market 480x's to come out? I should also note, I'm currently running on 3 1080p monitors, but I only use the center one for gaming..I plan on buying a single 1440p monitor and getting rid of this current triple monitor setup when I build this new pc.
Single card solutions are generally preferred. You avoid potential scaling issues, extra heat and noise, and having to use larger PSU's in most cases. When your single card can longer keep up, then adding a cheap used card for SLI or Xfire becomes more attractive. I personally wouldn't wait. Also, that NEX series PSU isn't the greatest and I wouldn't use it in a high end build. The G2, GS, and GQ are all better quality for a little more.
Single card solutions are generally preferred. You avoid potential scaling issues, extra heat and noise, and having to use larger PSU's in most cases. When your single card can longer keep up, then adding a cheap used card for SLI or Xfire becomes more attractive. I personally wouldn't wait. Also, that NEX series PSU isn't the greatest and I wouldn't use it in a high end build. The G2, GS, and GQ are all better quality for a little more.