Is it worth upgrading from my i7 4790k?


Jun 2, 2015
I have the i7 4790k, I was looking at the i7 8700k, or the Ryzen 7 1800x.

My current system off the top of my head is:
Asrock b85m motherboard
MSI GTX 1080 ti
I7 4790k
16 bg ddr3 ram
Stock intel cpu cooler
650 watt Psu

Any and all advice is appreciated :)

You would actually benefit more from a G-sync 144hz monitor, than if you got a Coffee lake platform with an i7 8700k on it.
Look at this for example:
Yes, it will cost you about the same and more than what you would pay for an i7-8700k +motherboard + DDR4 Ram. But the difference between having such an amazing monitor and having a slightly better CPU, is just insanely massive.

But you dont need to pay that much...
it really depends on what you are doing with your computer.
The 1080Ti suggests that it's a gaming rig.
for gaming, 1800x would not be an upgrade. you will have lower FPS in quite a few games compared to 4790K.
there are very few games that will have perceivable improvement if you upgrade to 8700K. If you do things like streaming, yes it will be an upgrade.
The monitor is also plays a role. unless it's 144Hz or higher, the CPU is not that important.

If you do decide to go with upgrade:
1. make sure you get a decent Z370 board to have overclocking option.
2. i'd be happy to buy your 4790K for ~170$ + shipping :)
You'll have to decide that. A brand new Coffee Lake will give you more CPU performance, but is it really worth an entire platform upgrade? (CPU AND MOBO)

Personally, I dont think so.
[strike]If it were me, I'd simply get a pretty good CPU cooler, and replace that horrid subpar stock Intel cooler, and overclock that Devil's Canyon i7 to get any performance boost I might need.[/strike]

I dont actually think I would need a performance boost with that CPU, but we dont run the same applications you and I.

It kinda depends on what you wanna do, but assuming you're a casual gamer, then I dont think upgrading your CPU and Mobo is really worth it at this point.

Again, you have to decide that for yourself, consider all your needs and wants.

Yeah I do have a 144hz monitor. I don’t know how long my current cpu would last though, as games become more and more demanding.

My friend said to get a fresh system every 4 years, and I got this GPU recently, so I was hoping to upgrade my cpu and motherboard so all my parts are the same age lol
there is a very simple test that you can do:
run few of your favorite games at the native resolution and record the FPS.
run same games in lower resolution (for example reduce from 1440p to 1080p or from 1080p to 720p) and record the FPS.
if in both cases the FPS is about 144 or higher, you don't need the CPU upgrade.
if the FPS remains about the same and much lower than 144, CPU upgrade will be reasonable. you will get higher FPS at least due to higher clocks. not to mention that new system will be overclockable which gives another boost.

I know i ran gta v before, i tried that test, and i know that the fps stayed the same when i lowered the resolution.

And the only games i have hit 144hz is on warframe, smite and crossout. Any other triple A game sometimes im lucky to get a constant 100 or more fps.

You would actually benefit more from a G-sync 144hz monitor, than if you got a Coffee lake platform with an i7 8700k on it.
Look at this for example:
Yes, it will cost you about the same and more than what you would pay for an i7-8700k +motherboard + DDR4 Ram. But the difference between having such an amazing monitor and having a slightly better CPU, is just insanely massive.

But you dont need to pay that much money, nor you need 4k Res, imo.
If anything, its better to aim for G-sync and 2560x1440.

Just G-sync alone, will help a lot.

Granted, I am saying all of this while still not knowing what monitor you got 😛
So if you already have a very capable monitor, then I see no reason to spend a ton of money on a Coffee Lake platform.