The 4790k might not be as capable as a 7700k, but it's still more than enough cpu to get the job done with a 1080ti. Depending on circumstances, you can bottleneck any cpu, amd or Intel, but for gaming purposes that's pretty much a non-issue for this i7.
The i7-4790k is 4.0GHz only at base stock speeds. In turbo setting (default for the bios) the cpu will run 1-2 cores at 4.4GHz, 3 cores at 4.3GHz and the 4th at 4.2GHz. So you are actually under factory OC conditions, not the base speeds.
As said, a 1080ti is really only going to be of any use for a 144Hz or 4k monitor, anything less and you can get the same performance out of a 1080 for a bunch less cash. In that case, the monitor itself will be the bottleneck on a 1080ti, refresh/resolution caps.