Is Microsoft Developing a New Age of Empires?

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Aug 31, 2011
The Third installment just didn't get the right sort of support. Studio, development, and update support. When Bruce Shelley himself isn't overwhelming supportive of his own game, you know it's gonna have a rocky life. Personally, I loved the game. Stick it on slow speed, go for a rush or installation victory. Good times.
Doesn't Age of Mythology count as one? Personally I enjoyed all of them except online. I'd say two was my favorite. Age of Mythology would have been much better if it wasn't limited to three civilizations.


May 9, 2014
I got the third iteration first, and I loved it. I can see why those experienced with AoE 2 may be disappointed in AoE 3 due to it having less gameplay elements (amongst probably some other things), but I believe AoE 3 was still a great game in it's own right. Now, between getting a new AoE like the third or none at all, gimme the game MS. But take your time to make it good =)


Apr 30, 2012
AoE 2 was the best of them all, never got tired of playing it. Everything released afterward just made the game more stupid to play. Would love to see a refresh of AoE 2 with better graphics, more civilizations, and more campaigns. Leave the gameplay model alone and follow what Blizzard rightly did with Starcraft 2: just take what worked oh so well and just enhance it.
"We haven't seen an Age of Empires title on the PC since the third installment and its two expansion packs." Not true... Age of Empires Online, it was very bad but still an Age of Empires title.

Everyone that said the third one sucks is either a fool or did not play it competively, unlike the first 2 games this game was much more strategic with a lot more content.
Unlike the first 2 the third game was a lot better in multiplayer but shorter in the campaign with a lack of "true-ish" history involved.

Geez I am excited about this! Lets hope its nothing like AoE Online.

EDIT : And anyone is welcome to dispute my statement, but I would like to know WHY you say AoE 3 was bad. Because no one can ever seem to give me a reason.

csbeer I know right? I still play it often. Its a shame they shut down the online ESO server. Enjoyed competitive play A LOT!


Mar 23, 2005
AoE 2 was the best of them all, never got tired of playing it. Everything released afterward just made the game more stupid to play. Would love to see a refresh of AoE 2 with better graphics, more civilizations, and more campaigns. Leave the gameplay model alone and follow what Blizzard rightly did with Starcraft 2: just take what worked oh so well and just enhance it.

Your wish has already been granted:

It's not leaps and bounds better for graphics. But it supports more resolutions, custom content, new civilizations, an AI that doesn't suck etc...

I Hate Nvidia

Aug 13, 2008
Age of Mythology was amazing except for its limited allowed number of units. And yes AoE 2 was great, the story side of AoE 3 was much better and more interesting, and graphics wise AoE 3 remained a gpu testing meter for avery long time for its amazingly implementation of DX effects of its time, n still acceptable by today standards.


Jun 25, 2013
I had a ton of fun in the AoE Online Beta, but that was long before they actually monitized it and most of the game was accessible through progression. After monitizing it however it wasn't worth the hard drive space, let alone the premium content. I would like to see a new title as long as they learn from that mistake and just sell the full game.


Jan 3, 2011
I still play Age of Mythology with friends at LAN parties a decade later. AoE III was better than people gave it credit for. Interested to hear what Microsoft comes up with but I know not to get my hopes up.


Dec 8, 2007
I think I still have all my original CDs. I used yo do lan parties with my friends and my brother in where we would put it on the max difficulty and at the max player limit and we would play on jottenheim I think it was in where there is a circle on an area of the map surrounded by rock with only one entrance. That was a tough match to win and it would take hours but it was fun as hell.
Every game was good in its own way. Age III was great for LAN parties, because of its speed and scale; I think they managed to do a great job in terms of balancing, as well as making the game easy to play, but tough to master. (Although, the first expansion allowed for stupid-fast rushes with the Aztecs and Iroquois.)

Although I still enjoy Age of Empires II, with its expansion, my heart will always be with Age of Mythology. That was my first game I truly played competitively, and I felt they did an excellent job with the gameplay dynamics, and having the different civilizations actually be different.

Age of Empires Online was fun, for a bit. It had a similar type of pace and gameplay to Age of Mythology, but it felt pretty bland. They really botched the delivery, too. I did not mind that they released the game with only two civilizations, for starters, but not having a skirmish mode out of the gate was nigh-unforgivable. Their strategy for creating time-sinks was really poor, and the weapons/equipment feature was really kind of silly. In short, they had the basics down well-enough, but dropped the ball for sustainability and longevity. Why would I play a silly play-to-win AOE game that still lacked civilizations and features, when I can go play AOEII and enjoy everything?


Feb 1, 2010
Age of Mythology (also Titans) as well as the first two AoE games were awesome. The third was OK. Nothing terribly special.

I personally would like to see another AoM, but I still remember the days of LAN'ing my engineering floor in college playing Age of Empires 2. GO GOTHS!


Nov 13, 2013
Niiiiice! Me and my sons still play 2 (FE) and 3 (AD) over our in-house network! As a parent, I appreciated the historical content in version 2. The game encouraged my older son's love of history (and warfare).

When I was a houseparent at a group home, I played version 2 with my junior high-aged boys. Many of them never imagined that they could have so much fun playing a strategy game as opposed to a FPS.

Best Microsoft decision since updating Windows 8!



Feb 8, 2010
This is great if accurate. Like most, AoE 1 & 2 were my favs. AoE 3 brought unnecessary clutter to the game IMO, K.I.S.S. I still remember playing 4hr matches online and then to get a phone call and be disconnected. Eyefinity / Surround support please. I really enjoyed Rise of nations also, be nice to see that have a reboot as well.


May 11, 2012
I've played them all, 1 & 2 are obviously the best. The 3rd had great graphics, but me being a history fanatic and loving the Classical/Golden eras of the ancient world and medieval times made me biased towards the first two installments. Did anyone really learn something of historical value from the AoE III? How many of us googled/dogpile'd/yahoo'd trebuchet after seeing that in AoE II? Lol :)

I never liked the Native American civs. I could match them for rush times though. Indians 6 minute rush or Ottoman Janisary + Grenadier Rush 7min being my favourate rush strats.


Sep 22, 2012
Well i think it would be good if they had a google map up where you can zoom down to individuals. It would be fun to look up and down streets. It would be good to have unlimited technology. Just have to look at the science fiction books for ideas.
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