For me, what's as important is a decent firewall, so even if you do get infected and your antivirus doesn't see it, you would see different traffic going in and out of your computer system.
I use Comodo Firewall and Antivirus, but also Glasswire as that software is amazing.
Also if you are using the web and need something like Printer Drivers or some other driver for your motherboard, NEVER use any site apart from the original manufacturers site, eg. Epson Printer, go to, not some other site that may be at the top of google. As silly as that sounds, there is a lot of software out there that says it will update your drivers for you... be very wary of them and also don't be so lazy, and do it yourself 😀
You should also have some Anti-Malware software as well, my fav is ZHPCleaner, but some people find it hard to use, so I recommend Malwarebytes to people who want something a bit simpler.