[SOLVED] Is my 400w PSU enough?

Mar 10, 2019
Hey guys, my first post here so pardon any mistakes

My setup is:
a Intel Core i5 3330 3GHz,
Motherboard ASRock H61M-HG4, 4GB RAM DDR3
Videoboard is a GeForce GT730, 4GB dedicated RAM DDR3 (2GB shared RAM, but i don't know what this means)
Components are: mouse "gamer" (it has some leds and extra buttons) Multilaser, a standard keyboard, a HP LA1905wg monitor
PSU as an Allied ATX 400W switching power supply,
Standard 1TB HD

I bought this PC pre-built about 4 years ago, but the videoboard and motherboard are NOT original (replaced a couple of times because old ones broke) but processor and PSU ARE original.

I'm thinking about upgrading my videoboard to a AMD RX 560, but i don't know if my PSU is going to handle it. I've made some calculations and the recommended (not actually expect usage) supply is around 380-410W, but the thing is, i don't know if this PSU REALLY provides 400W, and i do reckon a 450W PSU would be more confortable, but i'm trying to avoid the extra cost of just 50 extra Watts for an entire new PSU, if possible.

So can someone help me out? Is this PSU enough for the RX560?
The PSU is very very poor quality , I wouldn't power any setup with it.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Gold 450 W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($39.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $39.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-10 11:51 EDT-0400

Thanks for the answer, but could you be more specific? Afterall this PSU has been supporting my setup for about 4 years and has presented no problems (Granted, my setup is very light until i upgrade it)
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