Is my AMD Fx 6300 good enough ???


Sep 23, 2013
I'm having a hard time deciding if i will see any major benefits with upgrading my processor,My problem is i've purchased a Nvidia Gtx 780 sc and im worried my cpu is holding my graphics card back from its true potential,will i see a huge performance increase if i upgrade to a I5 processor or is my current AMD FX 6300 cpu adequate for running this high performance card.

Thanks for any help and advice.
While playing, try to see how much % of load is on CPU and GPU. Built-in Windows tasker will be ok for CPU, for GPU you may use MSI Afterburner or EVGA Precision. If one goes to 100 without other doing so, it means this part should be upgraded. If you have Battlefield 3/4 try it, it's a very CPU demanding game.
While playing, try to see how much % of load is on CPU and GPU. Built-in Windows tasker will be ok for CPU, for GPU you may use MSI Afterburner or EVGA Precision. If one goes to 100 without other doing so, it means this part should be upgraded. If you have Battlefield 3/4 try it, it's a very CPU demanding game.
Yup, i5 is better than 6300 and you will experience better fps. BUT, the leap won't be a monumental one, the 6300 is a decent processor, and I recon you stick with it for some time more. Maybe wait for Steamroller or Excavator. Or wait for Broadwell i5, when Intel will shrikn the process to 14 nm, then it would be a great improvement over the Haswell!
I dont think there will be any steamroller or excavator CPUs, as you can see AMD have ruined their cpu path by going with 9xxx series CPUs.

Also dont expect the greater performance from haswell to broadwell.

The fx 6300 is a decent CPU. and should be capable to play must games.
I myself wouldn't go out buying an I5, as that is rather expensive(need new mobo and the I5), and your current CPU is already fine.

My suggestion is, that you buy a decent aftermarket cooler(one that supports both AM3+ and 1150) and then try overclocking it, if you still aren't happy with the result then you can consider moving to Intel.
Thanks for the replies very helpful,ill do the checks on cpu load and gpu load as suggested i havent got Battlefield 3/4 but i do own Arma which i hear is cpu intensive so ill try some benchmarking with that game.

I'm glad to hear you think my cpu is adequate although not as good as an i5 but capable which puts my mind at ease.
I will upgrade to intel but now i know my cpu is ok for now i'll wait until i can afford an i7 chip as it makes sense for future proofing my pc.

I have an aftermarket cooler i cant remember the name i think its an Arctic cooling freezer 13 something and its huge,i get a little nervous with overclocking but ill do some research and see what results i can achieve,the cpu is clocked at 3.5ghz at the moment and im sure i read somewhere that the 6300 is capable to safely get upto 4.0ghz so as i say ill check into it.

Anyway thanks for the help.