Is my build good for gaming and 3 year lifespan?

You need a GPU to run a Ryzen 1200. You either need a Ryzen 2400g (and the integrated is equivalent to a GT 1030, which isn't something that's going to be good for years) or to buy a GPU. You can skip activated Windows; on this budget, just put up with the reminder on the desktop wallpaper and the additional customization and just use an unactivated copy (it's perfectly legal).
What is your current setup?
It's almost certain it can be upgraded and with such a tight budget used parts come into the equation.
And yes, you can use an unactivated Windows install, it is legal but you won't get too much support although AFAIK you can always purchase a licence later and activate using that key without having to reinstall.

With your budget it would be better to upgrade what you currently have

is it the model with the i3 4160, i5 4460 or i7 4790?

if you have the i5 or i7

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

Video Card: PNY - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB XLR8 Gaming OC Video Card (£245.44 @ Amazon UK)
Power Supply: Corsair - CXM (2015) 450W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (£47.99 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £293.43
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-05-14 13:27 BST+0100

this is all you need
Oh yeah, if this is your budget, upgrading is better - you didn't tell us you already had stuff! And the suggestion above is better than making a new build and stuffing a really horrible GPU for gaming (the 720 is slower than even Intel integrated graphics since Haswell) in there.

Tried it. NOTHING fits in this case that's why i have the gtx 720 my psu is unremovable. I tired putting it in another case but there front panel. Also my cpu is very destroyed and i can't manage. Its bad...

Question from lambros25savva : "Is this build compatible and good for 3 year gaming?"

Question from lambros25savva : "Is this rig good for a 3 year lifespan and a little gaming?"

Ok but I can’t find a Matx mobo in Amazon uk which is compatible without bios stuff.