is my card partially fried?


Oct 28, 2003
I'm running a thunderbird 1700+, 512 mb pc2700 ram, radeon 8500 retail, abit KR7A-133, M-Audio Revolution, Windows XP SP1.

Ever since I installed the Revolution in place of my old SB Live, I haven't been able to boot into windows. My video, after I log in, becomes all distorted and the computer freezes. At least I think the computer freezes - I can only tell that the graphics do. If I reboot into safe mode, windows says that the computer had a serious error due to the Radeon Series 8500. Safe mode works fine. If I install the drivers for the "ATI Radeon [not 8500]" windows works fine in regular mode, except when I try to play a 3d game (q3, wolf: et), in which case it freezes. But if I use the drivers for the 8500, the screen distorts and freezes on login. I've tried reinstalling windows and used all different versions of the drivers.

Any ideas? Is it possible that the 3d part of the card died?


Oct 28, 2003
I've tried all the last three versions, 3.7 3.6 and 3.5. The same thing happens with each one. I'm also running directx 9.0b.


Former Staff
It could be an IRQ conflict, try moving the audio card to another slot.

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<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>


Former Staff
Sounds like it's about time you backed up your files and reloaded your hard drive.

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>


This sounds like a power supply issue I had.

Changing cards can cause it, maybe the new sounds card takes a little more power than the blaster; regardless, the Radeon will show up as the error because it's the most power hungry card you have.

What kind or power supply do you have? How many watts?

Radeon 9500 (hardmodded to PRO, o/c to 322/322)
AMD AthlonXP 2400+ (o/c to 2600+ with 143 fsb)
3dMark03: 4055


Might be something you would want to look into.

I had the same type of issue and a 460 watter cleared up my crashing problems like magic.

See if you can swap a decent one out and test it...

Radeon 9500 (hardmodded to PRO, o/c to 322/322)
AMD AthlonXP 2400+ (o/c to 2600+ with 143 fsb)
3dMark03: 4055