Is my case compatible with my fans???


Dec 2, 2015
Here is my pc build: i like this case because it's big enough for my r9 390 and is blue which is my theme color for my build but on pcpartpicker it says it doesn't know if my fans are compatible. I was hoping if someone could spread some knowledge and help me out here please!!
The Noctua CPU cooler is great. It should fit well in the case. When it comes to RAM it depends on the RAM and the MB. But it seems it should work. Remember to fit the RAM before the cooler 😉 -----> tight, but should work.

When adding more RAM later you might have to take the fan off the cooler in order to get to the slots. But that's no biggie I think.
It is compatible with fans. But fans come in different sizes. Normal sizes are: 80mm, 90mm, 120mm, 140mm, 150mm, and 200mm. The most common is 80, 140 and 200. In your case it is as follows:

Up to 7 x case fans:
1 x 200mm blue LED fan - side (included) OR 2 x 120mm fan - side (optional)
1 x 120mm blue LED fan - front (included)
1 x 120mm fan - rear (included)
2 x 120mm fan - top (included)
1 x 120mm fan - bottom (optional)

Your case comes with fans by default. So not sure if you need any extra. Here is the source for the above specs:
Holy freaking moly I didn't know it had that many! Thanks for helping me dude, I was up all night till 4 stressing out over the case haha, well this case has 4 default fans, that should be enough for crossfiring 2 390s which can get pretty hot right? Or should I buy and trade out some stuff?

EDIT: Does my Noctua which is by far the biggest CPU coolers I've seen in a long time, compatible with my case? You told me the measurings but I don't know if it fits, and if I would want to add ram later wild it block some ports for ram in my motherboard since it's so big? (That's not what she said)
The Noctua CPU cooler is great. It should fit well in the case. When it comes to RAM it depends on the RAM and the MB. But it seems it should work. Remember to fit the RAM before the cooler 😉 -----> tight, but should work.

When adding more RAM later you might have to take the fan off the cooler in order to get to the slots. But that's no biggie I think.