I just built my 1st gaming rig about a week ago and it runs fine plays batman arkham origins and everything but while I was playing it about an hour ago my comp froze and I had to shut it down manually (the comps fine now by the way.) the temp was at 68 degrees celsius and a friend disregarded my heatsink 212 evo coolmaster I had and instead we used the heatsink that came with the core i7 processor.
core i7-4790
EVGA GTX 960 4gb
16gb RAM
MSI Gaming 5 motherboard
3 case fans (not including the heatsink fan and graphics card fans
EVGA 750 WATT psu gold
core i7-4790
EVGA GTX 960 4gb
16gb RAM
MSI Gaming 5 motherboard
3 case fans (not including the heatsink fan and graphics card fans
EVGA 750 WATT psu gold