Is my computer good enough for this graphics card?


Jan 9, 2015
Hi, I just recently bought a 4k monitor for my computer and I noticed my graphics card wasn't powerful enough to run 4k videos and games so I bought an Evga Geforce GTX 970 graphics card. Then I noticed my power supply (450 watts) wasn't powerful enough for the graphics card. So I bought a 600 watt power supply and now my computer won't boot up when the GTX 970 is in. The monitor, mouse and keyboard aren't getting any signals. I took the GTX 970 out and put the old one in and now everything is working. Does anyone know why the more powerful graphics card isn't working right? Here are the specs for my computer. Thanks!
Might help. 😀

With new HP computers either press F10 to get in the BIOS, or the Escape key to bring up the Startup Menu then select Computer Setup or BIOS Setup. There’s a menu on the Advanced mode side for “Security”. Under “Security” there will be a "Secure Boot Configuration" menu where you would want to disable both “Secure Boot” and “Fast Boot” and then enable “Legacy Boot Support”. When the options are set hit F10 to save and exit out of the BIOS Setup. The system will reboot and ask you to enter in a passcode to confirm changes. After the system boots into Windows go ahead and shut the system down and install the graphics card as normal. The graphics should now be displaying through the video card.


The Bios setup on my computer doesn't have a Security option.
Maybe my motherboard isn't recognizing the GTX 970?