Is my computer's parts compatible?

somone playsmc

Jan 15, 2015
I am building a computer and I wanted to know if all the parts work together before I start buying. Also any recommendations are welcomed like more fans.

Motherboard: ASUS M5A99 FX PRO
ram: Corsiar Vengeance 16 G (4 x 4)
cpu: AMD FX-8320
gpu: MSI AMD Radeon R9 270X
hdd: Seagate Barracuda ES.2 1 TB, Internal, 7200 RPM, 3.5"
ssd: Samsung 840 Series 2.5 inch 120GB SATA III
optical drive: Samsung SATA 1.5 Gb-s
power supply: Corsair CX750 ATX 750 watt
case: Corsair Carbide serise SPEC-01


Yep. You got a nice little setup there mate. A Basic fan setup would be:

- Upgraded CPU fan. I use this one and it's awesome:
- Intake fan at the front of case (Sucking air in)
- Extra fan @ back to blow out hot...

Yep. You got a nice little setup there mate. A Basic fan setup would be:

- Upgraded CPU fan. I use this one and it's awesome:
- Intake fan at the front of case (Sucking air in)
- Extra fan @ back to blow out hot air.

- Side / Top fan.
Parts are all compatible.

I would get 2x8gb over 4x4 gb on the memory.

750w is overkill unless you think you will x-fire a second 270x in the future.
Regardless I would get a different PSU then the CX series. They have weaker capacitors that are not up to the task of heavy gaming.
Ideal is a PSU from Seasonic or XFX.

I will try to do what you said. If I upgrade my CPU fan then I could buy the same CPU without the fan? also the case contains a fan in the front and back

Im kinda a noob. this is my first build


True. 750w is it a bit much BUT I would get one just so you know you won't have power issues.


ok Ill get your fan and get a cheeper CPU without a fan. and did you say I need extra case fans or did you just not see it. plus if I get the fan thats 150 watts so 750 watts should be good

True but Corsair is a very reliable company

Not true, CX units are very unreliable, and the higher end Corsair units that are actually good and reliable are rebranded seasonic units.

Ill search it up then


Thank you because this is going to probaly be my one chance. If I mess something up it will be horrible