is my Corsair ax 850 dead ?


Mar 3, 2015
Hi there. New user here. I've had some troubles with my pc lately. Shutting down at random. Heat and voltage seem fine when i check them with various programs. Never get bsod or error of any kind. Just a swift poweroff. I cant turn back on unless i reconnect powercord to psu and in some cases it will start by itself when doing so. I had a look inside the psu and i notice some light blue paste/glue/liquid/ ?? ( hard to make out) at least not the same as the white thermal thingie they use. Its between the 2 large round things (capacitators i think) and im wondering if thats normal. if not, could this be the cause of these random shutdowns ? I dont have any spare psu atm. to test with. But would like a second oppinion before spending $ on parts
Can you reinstall Windows (for ruling out a software issue) and not update it, just install the drivers on the motherboard and graphics card DVDs (no updates), some programs you use and test for a while?
However "I cant turn back on unless i reconnect powercord to psu and in some cases it will start by itself when doing so" points to a hardware issue, either motherboard or power supply, I'd say.
I can do that. But i seems weird that i wouldnt get bsod or any other error if software is the issue.

Have u seen that before mentioned blue stuff in a psu before ?
on that pic u linked to,u can see the two brown, round ones in the bottom. Between those 2 is where i found that blue stuff at the "floor" where they are seated
Ok... finally put the psu in another pc. i had a shutdown short after.. stall then shutdown. Tried to duplicate with no luck. (Didnt try too hard) but then shut off computer manually and it wouldnt turn back on. Had to replug powercord like before and the pc would start by itself. Tried a second outlet to be sure.. same thing.
So my conclusion is that my psu is indeed faulty.
Thamx for ur time