Is my CPU bottlenecking my rig?


Nov 18, 2013
Here's my build:

8 core AMD
GTX 770
1000watt psu

Most games I can run fine on highest settings, like Battlefield etc. However, Arma3, Crysis 3, I run into a bit of bad fps. On highest setting on all of those games I get about 20-30 fps. This Christmas I'm thinking about SLI another GTX 770. Any advice on what I should to get more fps on these games?
Don't listen to them... an 8350 is more than capable in Crysis 3. Try lowering the AA settings in Crysis 3, it is known to be a system killer (it puts immense load on the GPU).

I have an 8320 and I get much better FPS than you with a 7950 boost. That is, however, with AA lowered.
More importantly what 8-core?

I have Xfire 7870XT/7950 and an 8350(clocked@ 4.5)..
Run crysis 3 with injected 2X supersampling+SMAA(play on a 40" T.V., much needed) with an average of about 45 fps...Multiplayer I have to cap it at 60 as it can get as high as 90FPS...No bottleneck as adding the 7950 to my orifginal 7870XT brought up frames by a large margin.
It's not your CPU....somethings going wrong there and it may very well be your GPU...Crysis 3 is a killer when you add AA...4-8X MSAA can kill performance more than you'd think.
Also, Arma should run at 30+ in singleplayer easy...If it's MP your worried about then I wouldn't upgrade based on that...the steam forums have been filled with just about every CPU known to man complaining about frames...

Alright. Could someone recommend a kickass CPU by intel? Maybe I'll save up for a new one. But, would it fit in this motherboard - ASUS Crosshair V Forumla-Z? Or would I have to buy a new one
Games like ARMA are incredibly CPU intensive so in this case I can see a stock AMD 8xxx bottlenecking slightly. Crysis 3 will eat a 2gb GTX 770 alive if you crank the AA high enough and this is what I believe is happening with your system.

It's not as cut and dry as it may seem. Will you have a bottleneck? Yes and no. In certain poorly coded games that rely heavily on strong single threaded performance YES, but NOT to a SIGNIFICANT degree. Everything else an FX will do fine and you could easily run 2x GX 770 no problem with an FX 8320.

I suggest to overclock the FX it's made for it and this will pretty much alleviate any performance issues in cpu bound games for the most part. Good Luck
AMD CPUs are good for price but for high end Multi-GPU config you would want to consider intel get an i5 and then SLI. amd fx cpu have low single threaded performance so they start bottle necking.
Update - so I did LOTS of research and found out that upgrading to an i7 or i5 would be a total waste of money. Not only would I need to spend 300+$ for it, but also have to get a new mobo and everything. I also use lots of adobe so gaming is only about 70% of my gaming time. Anyway - I did a test on Arma 3. Ran the game with everything set to default clock speeds. Averaged at about 25 fps. I then bumped my CPU clock speed to 4.6GHZ (default was 4.0GHZ), and voltage to 1.4. 2 hours of prime 95 and everything is stable as well as good temps. Went back in, and still only 25 fps average. Is this just an arma thing? Or is it my gpu that's the bottleneck? And by the way, I did NB boost so if anything, my fx 8350 is now on par with the i5 for single core/threaded tasks.