IS my cpu broken??????


May 31, 2014
When overclocking I think I put too much voltage in my CPU and my pc hasn't turned on since I have tried resetting the CMOS and that did nothing I think I have fried my CPU someone help please??????!!!!!!
[Thanks in advance]
doubt its broken... the first time i overclocked i had the same problem all i had to do was... before to this, restart your bios using the jumpers if you mean you cannot even access the bios... then just do not overclock that high do it slowly but properly... until you find the stable clock i highly recommend to do it slowly and testing the results after this happens

When I reset it using the jumpers should my pc be connected to the power?
sorry didnt read you already restarted the cmos >.< in that case its different.. you might need to take the cpu out and check if it is really fried... beside it could be your psu.... does something else beside the processor turn on?

Yeah the entire thing turns on, I just don't get a picture all of the fans spin even the GPU fans, I know there is nothing wrong with the GPU because I took it out and hooked it up to my brother's PC, I would have tried putting my CPU in his PC but I don't have any rubbing alcohol so I have to wait to try that

if you want to be perfecty safe while managing computer components do this... click the switch 0/1 of your psu put this to 0 (off) after this turn on your pc, so this will use all the stored energy after that do whatever you want, you are more than safe

in that case i believe thats the best solution to know if it is actually fried or no, testing it in another mobo... do you remember the clock speed/voltage you used to overclock it? if you didnt use a too high value and the cpu is still new maybe you can get a refund/cpu change, might depend on the seller

I can't remember the clock speed but it was in the 4.0ghz area and I said what I think the voltage was somewhere already and I've had it about 2 months and I got it from ebuyer.

PULL THE CMOS BATTERY. Unplug the computer. Hit the on button to discharge the capacitors. Let it sit for about ten minutes. Put the battery back in. Plug it back in. Then start it up. The bios does does not have have voltages so high that your cpu will fry. Your cpu can degrade over time with high voltages. But that can take years. You can run a FX cpu or FM2 cpu at vcores approaching 1.55 if you have really good cooling.

You can remove thermal paste without rubbing alcohol.