Is my CPU dead?


Jun 9, 2012
My friend upgraded to a new CPU and GPU and gave me his old 4670k and GTX770.

However, he isn't very familiar with PC stuff - he bought a 6700k and tried to fit it in the old motherboard with with the 1150 socket and bent a few pins doing it. After realizing that he needed a new motherboard, he put the 4670k back in and tried to boot , but it wouldn't (obviously lol). He said the hardware would light up but nothing was happening on the screen.

He thinks the CPU got fried because of the bent pins, but I think it should be alive (I hope). I don't have a 1150 board to test it and I don't think I can go test it anywhere unless I actually buy a 1150 board.

If the CPU is dead, I'd have to upgrade to kaby lake, which means I would have to spend a shit-load of money just on the RAM (I'm on a really tight budget).
If the CPU is alive, it would mean that I just saved 230€ and made my system a tiny bit future-proof because of overclocking.

Pictures of the CPU are here :

So, do you guys think it's just the mobo that wouldn't work because of the pins or are both the mobo and CPU dead? Is there any chance my CPU is alive?
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide !
Absolutely no way for anyone to know. Odds are the board is toast the CPU isn't, but since he (probably) repeatedly turned it on with pins on wrong parts of the CPU supplying voltage... Who knows. Probably more likely he toasted his 6700k since the sockets between 1150 and 1151 changed a good bit in where the igp/pins are
Absolutely no way for anyone to know. Odds are the board is toast the CPU isn't, but since he (probably) repeatedly turned it on with pins on wrong parts of the CPU supplying voltage... Who knows. Probably more likely he toasted his 6700k since the sockets between 1150 and 1151 changed a good bit in where the igp/pins are