IS my CPU dying?


May 17, 2015
recently i have been getting some really low fps in games (12fps) like bf4 where i used to get constant 60 and also low fps in games like witcher 3 fallout 3 i need to know if i need to upgrade my cpu for future games.

CPU: i5 2500-k
GPU: GTX 760

Ya the CPU is ovearheating: DO NOT play games for now. Grab you need to buy yourself some thermal paste. Remove the old paste and apply it to your CPU. Here is a video to help you out (i do assume that you have removed dust on your CPU cooler :) )
Goodluck man!, problem solved!. You are really lucky that you came here in time before you destroyed your CPU.
Download "Realtemp" and let me know what tempratures your CPU runs with and without a game running.
Also download GPU-Z to check your GPU's tempratures. Be sure to check mark "log" so it will log tempratures in a file.

Let me know the tempratures and i can help you out. i DISRECOMMEND gaming for extensive times until you report your tempratures. If you act now your PC might be saved from doom, so let me know.
Maybe it's just your CPU/GPU cooler that broke or doesnt work properly.
Had the same problem with my GPU coolers because i tried manually overclocking and forgot to set the coolers so they just spun at 20% while the card was trying to make bbq and until that point i could play at a normal fps...after that shit got real.

right now i have the one that came with he motherboard

right now i have the one that came with he motherboard

Ya the CPU is ovearheating: DO NOT play games for now. Grab you need to buy yourself some thermal paste. Remove the old paste and apply it to your CPU. Here is a video to help you out (i do assume that you have removed dust on your CPU cooler :) )
Goodluck man!, problem solved!. You are really lucky that you came here in time before you destroyed your CPU.

ohhh god thanks so much im glad too:)
My advice, buy an aftermarket cooler, one from the list i posted, you will be much better and it has thermal paste included so if you buy thermal paste is around 7-10$ and a new cooler like cooler master hyper 212 evo is around 30$ and has thermal paste included so it only cost you a 20$ extra for a new cooler but trust me it worth every dollar. In my case the stock cooler was to bad to support my cpu, with fresh thermal paste it could not handle my cpu, it was overheating so i had to buy this cooler, i dont regret this decision.